Artists @ Loose Ends encourages members to explore new ideas and
techniques, inspires and nurtures creativity. By sharing our work
in private and public venues, we express our passion for the textile
The piece focuses on the creative flow from the confines of the left side of the brain to the right. The left side actually provides a supportive structure that creates pockets of freedom for the playtime for the right "creative" side. The left side of the brain makes the skeletal support for the strength of the flowing statements from the arty right side. These ideas are represented in the linear structures shown on the left side of the body of this work and the looser flowing aspects of the right side. I set up these linear pieces as boxy structures with harder edges and harder materials than those on the softer right side. Using appliqué, embellishments and beads to show these properties, I worked on a lush background fabric hand dyed by Heide Stoll Weber, purchased at QSDS last June. Years ago a fellow member of London Quilters said she doubted I would ever use a glorious hand dyed silk piece of fabric and by golly, I have used that one and this one, too!! Go with the flow!!